Friday 14 June 2013

Britain and back again

A couple of weeks ago I and my wife returned to Britain, only for a short ten days, but enough time to show her off.

Clarissa and I had, despite years of relationships (romantic and friendship alike), never travelled to or from Britain together. Our memories of London Heathrow were continually of hellos and goodbyes...this time would be different.

Following an arduous 24 hours of travel, which included cars, planes and buses, we finally arrived in Sheffield and promptly went to the pub.

The following day and days after revolved around paperwork (relating to the sale of my family home), packing and binning possessions and meeting up with old friends.

(left to right, Me, Callum and Chris)

We discovered a Churrascaria (Brazilian Barbecue House) had opened in the centre of Sheffield (one of the more random discoveries I had expected), although we didn't feel the need to enter (something to do with the fact it was 9am and Clarissa is a Veggie.

Further adventures included Clarissa spending the day at the Western Park Hospital (as a visiting Doctor) enjoying a tour of the facilities, hob-nobbing with the brass and generally furthering her career...while I shopped for second hand book and dealt with paperwork.

We were so lucky that we got to visit with my cousins- Katy and Susan (Steve, Charlie and David) and my aunt- Daphne. A fantastic lunch and given that I was clearing out the house, I felt the need to donate my "new" Star Wars collection to the boys. To which, Clarissa and I are, in their own words- "Epic"!

On the evening of the Brazil vs England football friendly, we found ourselves in a local pub (which I hold fast never saw a foreigner before) with Callum, Angela and Chris. Clarissa had re-discovered my Brazil shirt which she originally gave me the better part of 12 years ago and felt the need to represent the southerners, while I donned a 1966, red shirt.

Brazil took the lead, to which, a normally indifferent Brazilian football fan rose from her seat and began taunting the English populous of the pub. You had to laugh, especially when we took the lead and I felt the need to chant back at her. A deserved draw kept tensions at a palatable level and we left the pub in a jovial and somewhat tipsy state of being.

We left for London on the Monday morning and after some awkward luggage stacking on the train and subsequently equally awkward luggage lugging, we made it to our "hotel" in Paddington. I say "hotel" as we both feel the description on the internet was somewhat misleading and as such, they probably forgot to add an 's'.

During our stay, we battled teenage Germans and their incessant need to be rowdy throughout the night (how dare teenagers have fun on holiday!), argumentative staff (downright rude and ignorant actually) and saw a rather miffed american demand a full refund and storm from the premises.

WARNING: do not stay at the Shakespeare Hotel in Paddington, unless you are fully aware that the staff are either untrained or rude, the breakfast is pitiful and you are more than likely to be kept awake after your very long journeying by children. Apart from all that, it's fine. Just treat it as a hostel and demand a hostel price.

Our tour of London saw Clarissa and I visit the exterior of her former flat (13 years ago), as such, she had some trouble remembering the actual building and we guessed which it might be. We saw Big Ben, rode the London Eye, wandered Kew Gardens (a desire of Clarissas' for a long time and a favourite of my Mums') and ate in a multitude of pubs (veggie burgers for Clarissa) and I overdosed on Britsh ale/lager alike- as such, we have been de-toxing since our return.

We also visited the Sheffield City Farm (where I visited the friendly Llama), Clarissa spent many a happy hour petting numerous British hounds and we took lots of pretty photos.

All told, this was a great visit. I'm happy to be home though. Porto Alegre is my home now and I missed it.