Wednesday 3 April 2013

Happy Easter and April Fools...

Well, it's a little over a month since I got married and much is still the same.

There wasn't this overwhelming rush of responsibility, this terrible fear of having to instantly become someone else. I'm pretty thankful for this, because, as I sit here, typing away, I realize that while I have a job, I'm writing a book, I'm married and living a foreign life, I am, in fact, still, a teenager at heart.

I find the silliest things amusing and while that does, from time to time, infuriate Mrs Wing (Troller-Habekost), she loves that side of me and when I think on it, I think, that's the side of me she appreciates and loves the most.

We had an Easter egg hunt at the In-Laws on sunday...I lost. I found my eggs last and in the noonday heat feared for their structural fears were, happily, unfounded.

The Friday prior, I made lunch for the entire family. We don't have a kitchen, as such and as a result, had to fashion a table out of paint cans and a piece of large glass. No problem, seemed to work just fine.

I prepared and successfully cooked fish (St Peter's fish-as it's called here), with butter, cracked black pepper, lemon and served with tarragon and toasted breadcrumbs. For the veggie (the Mrs- and as it turned out, everyone else too) I made a three cheese, rocket, tomato and egg torte- served with basil.

Click here ( for the recipe. Surprisingly, it looked just like this. Result!

The new book is on it's way. I have a potential illustrator taking a look and currently she has sent a few sketches. All's progressing well. It's a step away from the Llama book and follows the adventures of a boy, inextricably, thrust into space and endeavouring to explore and eventually, find his way home.

I'm optimistic of finishing a first draft in the next month or so.

We're off to Sao Paulo for Clarissa's friends wedding on Saturday. I've been to Sao Paulo before, but as it was just the airport on a connection to Porto Alegre, I'm going to count this as a new city. I can't wait!

Well, that's it for the moment. I just finished painting the small bathroom a lovely shade of cherry red (bit paler than the torte above) and am a little sweaty. Off for a shower.

Here are a few images over the last few weeks you might find amusing.

Cao for now.

 Morning yawns.
 Blurry dog in a suitcase- thinks she's coming to Sao Paulo too.

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