Tuesday 24 April 2012


I accompanied Clarissa to Viamao the other day, the former capital of Rio Grande Do Sul, a small town, just outside Porto Alegre where she works once a week in a small clinic. Everyone smiles. It's like going to Bakewell-Derbyshire. Her boss, Lara even set me up in the spare examination room, so I ,could read, write, pretend to play doctor and generally stay out of trouble.

It was a productive day. Finished my first draft of the children's book I've been working on for the the past 4-6 weeks. not happy with the ending, but first drafts are made for amending. I'd been looking for an illustrator for a while, but it seems that publishers tend to use in-house artists, so that's one less thing to bother with.

This town feels like any other, a community. The stress/tension that the big smoke provides seems little more than a very light mist here.

Had to go to the dentist, that was the reason for accompanying Clarissa to work. Urgh. Never liked it, never will...but Dr Fernando was great! 'No pain', were his reassuring words instantly. He had a big beaming smile. Pigeon English meets pigeon Portuguese (his and mine), funny...and educational. A good cleaning and no berating for three decades of neglect, lovely bloke. A hearty handshake and 'Muito Obrigado'.

Joined a site called meetup.com before I left Britain, designed for ex-pats. So far I've been unable to find any, but I shall keep looking.

I'm beginning to settle in. I was understandably apprehensive at first, but I'm a naturally polite/pleasant person, so a smile and 'Nao Compreendo muito bem' (I don't understand very well) goes a long way.

The cultfilmzuk blog is going well. Simon added half a dozen (seis/meia) reviews the other day (taking some of the weigh off my shoulders) and after monetizing the site before I left, the adverts have so far brought in a whopping...25p! Oh yeah! Big money. Thankfully I'm not doing it for the cash, but a few clicks on the ads would be nice. Either way, it's fun and occasionally funny.

I've only been here two weeks...feels so much longer! The apartment is now littered with plants and we even have a balcony herb garden, complete with 4 chilli plants! I have a home and I have a family.

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