Wednesday 5 September 2012

Daily/Weekly Posts

The problem with daily or even weekly blogging is that you are, in fact, setting yourself a target and for those of us with either a lazy bent or a busy life, both timeframes can be difficult to meet.
That being said, I shall now do what I can to catch up on my musings and the rambling thoughts you have all come to read in the ‘tens’ of people.

The other day, on my way to give Nikki her weekly English lesson I chanced to look out of the bus (onibus) window and what should I see in the ground floor window of the apartment to my left? A Sex Doll. One of those blow-up variety. Now I’m not the kinda fella to cast dispersions on those gentlemen that find amusement and comfort In the rubbery arms of an artificial woman, but I do find the contrast between that and the seasonally confused trees shedding their yellow blossoms amusing.

Sitting in the coffee shop today, with Clarissa and her Mum- Nikki, I happened to glance across the street. On the first floor balcony I witnesses what can only be described as a very animated woman in her 60’s, flailing an arm in an all-encompassing swipe at a fly. The only thing that might have made this scene less subtle might have been had she been using a shotgun for the same purpose.

On yes, I almost forgot, we’re moving apartments. Or rather, we have moved apartments. In fact, we moved apartments and then, having packed, transported and moved in, we got the builders in. As it stands, we have a few, very capable men with sledge hammers giving a variety of non-load bearing walls a good seeing-to. You should see it. Dust and rubble everywhere and us, hunkered down in the back bedroom, clothes, chairs, tables and books piled high around us but…we’re in. We’re in our new home and we couldn’t be happier!

Well, we could, but we don’t care.

As of last night we were still awaiting electricity. As such, we drank red wine by candle light and gazed out of our huge window as the sun fell and the street lights lit our inebriation.
I’ll throw in a few photos for you curious folks.

We showed the new place to Pricilla and Joca, who are, rather than get under foot, holidaying at their Grandparents place with the other ‘Well Behaved Mutts’. They loved the new apartment. They’re getting a dog-run, effectively and all the pooping and peeing space they could want. Joca and I raced around the then empty apartment the other day, with a surprisingly sprightly Pricilla closely in tow. Needless to say, I won. The highlight of said race was watching Joca attempt to stop when his toe nails are slightly too long and he over shoots the ending.

We woke up for the first time in the new place to the sound of birds chirping. Actually, I was rudely awakened by very noisy winged creatures at 5am while Clarissa slept on soundly. Great.
Well, that’s ya lot. More on the Canada trip when I have a little extra time. A bit more on my new job teaching English in Viamao and an update on my children’s book- The Night the Llama Saved Christmas, coming soon to an Amazon marketplace in November, fingers crossed.

One of the many brilliant pre-sketches by Illustrator Tania Vicedo Molto.

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