Saturday 28 July 2012


Standing in a very long "Express Line" at the Supermercado the other day, Clarissa and I observed a race of creatures that sprouted initially in the mid-1980's and have now spread to incorporate a large representation of teenage counter-culture. I am, of course, talking about the 'EMO' kids.

They look to me and maybe I'm wrong, like lazy Goth's. Dark haired, but with a pink/green/blue/red tint and tight black clothing, but lacking in the 'attitude' that made Goth's the eye catching creations they were. Summed up well in a South Park episode recently, the frustration the Goth's must feel at this lack of social standing is ironic, given they never wanted it in the first place, or so they say.

Waiting patiently in the queue, we watched as a slew of Emo's (I prefer the plural of Emo as Emu)/ Emu waiting to buy their individual Budweiser beers. Honestly, there were three of them, all with one bottle. Why bother? Why not give one the cash and have him buy the booze? Is it possible that Emu must travel in groups? There didn't seem to be a leader, no matriarch or patriarch. I suppose it's a common conciousness.

The Emo invasion is on...

Where one Emo goes, the Emu follow?!

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