Thursday 28 February 2013

Lead up to the BIG Day

Well, here we are.

I say we, I mean me, which is still "We", but I don't mean you. Understand? I'm rambling.

Oh, well, here "We" go.

It's now 13 years plus some weeks, days and hours and here I am, gearing up to the Biggest day of my life.

We managed a shower in our new bathroom last night (first HOT shower in the apartment in 6 months)- amazing! It's tiled and the water runs and doesn't flood or leak (we hope/think) and the lights work without a short circuit, so, all in all, last night was a pre-wedding day miracle.

I spent a couple of hours last night, out on the town (in the local bar) with my brother-in-law to be, Mauricio, discussing the kind of things you discuss the night before you dedicate yourself to someone forever and drinking a beer or two (Mauricio had Iced Tea, he's hard-core!).

This morning I awoke feeling calm, no jitters, no shakes- which is good, because I've had a viral infection for the last week and have been nervous as to my health prior to the Day, but it seems I'm not only healthy in body, but well adjusted in mind also.

I'm not worried, but I am excited. I'm sitting here, having busied myself with dish-washing, garbage tidying and grocery shopping and now I'm writing this, in an effort to distract from the fact that at 5:15pm today, I'll have a ring on my finger and a new family to legally call my own.

I'm not a religious man, I believe in something, though I'm totally unsure what and I'm not superstitious, though I firmly believe that my parents will be looking on and even if they weren't, I'm comforted by the knowledge that while I may not have had the chance to tell them about re-uniting with Clarissa, they had the foreknowledge and instinct to know that this day was always going to come.

6 hours 37 minutes to go...

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