Sunday 7 October 2012

Election Day

OK, so, it's Election Day.

For the last three-four months the candidates have been saturating their potential constituents with bill board adverts, roaming cars with obnoxious campaign speech and by contrast, some particularly catchy political songs (I like the one for Jose Fortunati- he's the reigning Mayor for Porto Alegre), flyers handed to you everywhere you go and people on the middle grass banks between the traffic lanes waving giant flags as you drive by and nearly hit 'em.

This guy's a Doctor, so you should trust him.

This guy's supporters all wear the same hat.

I've never seen the like.

In Britain the campaigning is limited to the few weeks leading up to a local or general election, in Brasil- it's constant and for months.

As it stands, Jose Fortunati is heading out his competition, with only Manuela- a young lady that's been rising through the Rio Grande do Sul political arena steadily for years, even close.

Sadly, being a non-native/natural or Gringo, I can't vote, if I could, I'd probably lean towards ForTUnati (that's how his name appears on posters- mainly, I think, because TU, solely in Rio Grande do Sul is 'you'- sneaky huh)

To be treated to the best campaign song- it's Soooo catchy, watch the link;

If you ever wonder how the potential politicians have the money to employ so many supportive people, they don't. They simply promise 'em jobs. Really. Once elected to the council, they are legally allowed to employ a large number of folk. So, he/she wins- you win. Everyone's a winner! 

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