Friday 12 October 2012


It's been 6 months since I arrived in Brasil.

I have done these things, been to these places and enjoyed even more...

Clarissa, Nirlei, Cezar and I went on a boat ride in the lake and promptly nearly drowned.

Clarissa and I visited Uruguay- our very first holiday together (not counting Wales for a rainy weekend).

Clarissa and I have been to Gramado (a German enclave with fantastic chocolate- really, you NEED to try it!)

The entire family and I visited Canada (it was spectacular!)

We have spent many an enjoyable Saturday/Sunday in the park near our home, observing the wildlife- both animal and human alike.

I have visited the original capital of Rio Grande do Sul- Viamao.

I have gained much needed, wanted and enjoyable employment as an English teacher at the American English Club (AMEC) in Viamao.

I have started teaching Nirlei English too, not that she really needs that much help, it's more the idioms.

I have photographed and blogged numerous random images and not so numerous original thoughts.

I have found inspiration to begin and finish my very first book; a children's story- The Night the Llama Saved Christmas thanks to support from my beloved Clarissa.

I have grown to quickly love our dogs, Pricila and the ever crazy Joca.

I have even begun to learn Portuguese. Slowly, as I'm terribly lazy. Something I am ashamed of, but am aiming to rectify in the coming months.

And most recently, we have moved into our very first home together and despite works that need to be done, I don't think I've ever been happier. Besides, Clarissa does most of the 'handyman' stuff...I do the cleaning (she's awful with a mop).

Brasil is by far and away my biggest and greatest adventure and to be honest, while destiny was never really something I subscribed too, my belief in an eventual reconciliation and life with Clarissa has always been at the forefront of my mind and dreams.

2012 began a little's fast picking up!

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