Tuesday 29 May 2012

Boat Daze

Sunday afternoon was a glorious day, a day for taking the boat out on the river and joining the others in celebrating the 82nd anniversary of the club's founding.

Sail boats of numerous sizes took part in two classes of regatta race. We in the motor boat, took in a tour of the city from the water. There were approximately eight in our little group, with each of us taking it in turns to lead and direct our route. Clarissa and I had decided to take the camera with us as there's a photography competition closing on the 31st May and we wanted to see what we could capture.

Being a fan of architecture, my images invariably ended up being shots of sky-rise buildings and dilapidated shipping ports. There's a certain character to all the structures in down-town PA, but it's the grit, the rust and the broken windows of the shore front factories that delighted me the most.

Never having seen tankers in any condition up close, I was more than a little awed by the sheer size of them.

We dodged waves, or rather, Cezar drove us directly into their wake and we duly bounced over and a top of them. This was a far cry from our earlier outing (see beginning of blog) and as such we escaped our day with little more than wet feet and I, a little sun charred around the face- despite a healthy dollop of sun cream.

The plants are doing well.
Clarissa assembled our new Cactus Garden with her own two hands and despite using oven mitts, sadly became the recipient of a few errant spikes, but we think it was worth the effort.

Joca continues to be a pest and Pricilla continues to fart in subtle a manner...as do I.
I finally understand the Lenny Henry joke regarding buying a blame-hound from Harrods. They're great to have around to escape complicity.

I have perfected my panini sandwich.

For those of you interested;

One small, fresh bread roll
3 Sun dried tomatoes
Cheese (that melts quickly)
Chilli Sauce

Not much to it.
Slice open bread, insert cheese and tomatoes, spread pesto on inside, a few dabs of sauce and place in grill machine. When green light lights, sandwich is ready for consumption. 

Eat and enjoy.
Very easy and not at all boring after 5 lunchtimes in a row.

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