Tuesday 22 May 2012

In the park today I saw...

I sat on a park bench the other day and stared through the tint of my girlfriends' borrowed sunglasses at the men and women that wandered aimlessly through my field of vision.
This is what I saw;

Ronaldo- the ugly, fat one.
Ronaldinho- the ugly, soon to be fat one with funny teeth.
A chap with an outstanding nose- bulbous and glowing, he seemed joyous.
A 60 year old woman in rather expensive pink running gear, walking with her friend and doing, what appeared to be her best, to avoid a sweat.
A rather laxidasical jogger in his 30's, his legs happy to run, but his arms steadfastly refusing.
A troup of junior army men and women, resplendent in their uniforms and red berrets.
A happy man selling chocolate popcorn from a glass trolley- I smelt his wares first- I smiled and breathed deeply.
A couple of tired fellas asleep under various palms.
A parade of miniature hounds- hairy, preened, fluffy and bald alike.

There was also a fella who came up to me and I assume, asked for directions.
My response came fluidly, though perhaps not authentically-

Desculpe. Ingles. Nao Compreendo Muito Bem”.

He smiled, quite happily and (much more importantly to me) understandably and walked to the next bench, where he repeated his enquiry. I imagine he found his path, though it would have been quite funny had he in fact encountered another foreigner.

I have no photo's of these people, but I see them regularly (oddly, Ronaldo and Ronaldinho are fairly frequent to my eyes) and will endeavour to capture their visages in the future.

I like my fellow park people and look forward to our encounters. One day soon I aim to say something more interesting and hope that the things they ask of me are as fascinatng as their appearances.  

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