Friday 18 May 2012

Last Night

...I ate this.

A bread bowl, scalped and filled with soup and pepperoni and you know what?...after I got over the initial tongue burn, it was superb! I gutted it from the inside out. Just the crusty outer shell remained.
Quite an achievement for a fella whole rarely eats a full meal or at least, not a big one.

I've cut down on the chocolate too.
Down to a third my usual intake. This in a country that advocates all-you-can-eat buffets almost like a religion.
Not that I'm complaining.

I have also begun jogging.

I'll be honest, this was not solely my own idea, but my progress has surprised both of us. I even manage a sprint at the end of our 2 1/2 km round run of the park. I know 2 1/2 kn isn't a huge amount, but after only a month here and having only run to catch the bus in the last decade, I'm chuffed.

No photo, use your imagination or I could draw a picture of me in speedy motion.

The weather continues to be interchangeable.
One day it's shorts and t-shirts, the next it's jeans and jumpers. Go figure.

The mosquito's seem to have had their fill of the British flesh.
I still sport 'love' bites all over, though they don't itch and I'm reliably informed that means 'No Malaria'.
Good Stuff.  

Getting to know the city a little better. Buses (always a favoured mode of transport for this permanent pedestrian) are easy to traverse. Driver and ticket conductor. Driver drives. Conductor sits and you hand over money. Rarely a word exchanged short of Obrigado. R$2.85 a ticket. Approximately £1 for a single journey...a little less maybe.

Been a little bust acclimatizing the last few weeks, that and jumping borders to Uruguay (shucks) and writing my children's book. Second draft almost finished and awaiting prospective art work. I still really like it. Always a good sign.

This does however, mean that my average reading tally has suffered somewhat. I've been working my way through 'Goodbye to Berlin' by Christopher Isherwood for two weeks now and it ain't a big book.

Must press on.

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