Sunday 13 May 2012

Update-last few days

Been busy the last week.

Work stuff (fill you in later).

The other day I saw two things that made me laugh out loud.

1- a middle aged woman dragging her furry CAT by a leash.


2- on my bus to the office I looked over at the sign on the window. Symbols for the disabled, elderly and pregnant were evident for all to was the one for FATTIES! In Porto Alegre, we are expected to give up our seats for people of the overweight variety.

Here is an 'artists' rendition.

Yesterday was Clarissa and my one month anniversary in Brasil. Granted, she's been here a while longer than me, but you get the idea.

We celebrated by shopping for work clothes for me (a joy as ever, but with few frustrations involved-I'm getting better), a turn around one of the Museums that we hadn't seen yet (A Modern Art one), it had a metal sculpture of a Don Quixote type with a tap/valve where his 'you-know-what' should have been. We later saw a film called 'Hysteria', a British story about the first sex aide (very funny and well worth a watch) and then toured the park, hand in hand, admiring the sunlight, the multitude dogs of all shapes and sizes and even saw a very tall transvestite 'lady'- impressive and magnificently attired in her red, spangly outfit (no photo-use your imagination, it's much more fun that way).

Got lots of new plants for the apartment and have made use of the bidet, which has been broken since before my arrival.

The first draft of my children's story is finished, with no less than five artists preparing proposals and test-art for submission and consideration by yours truly.

About to eat Fruit Loops (add joke here) and drink coffee...see ya.


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