Wednesday 27 June 2012

Arabic food makes David huge

Over the last 2 1/2 months, I- David Wing, have been engaging in strenuous exercise.

Said exercise has manifested as running. Running around a park- initially until I gave up through exhaustion, fatigue and frustration, later 'til I bettered my previous outing and more recently, until I finished 5 Kms and a few sprints.

Now, all that hard work and sweat has been undone.

It has been replaced by a bloated belly, meat sweat and a strong odour of garlic and onions.

Nirlei (Clarissa's Mum), Clarissa and I, having paced around the block for twenty minutes while awaiting opening, attended an Arabic restaurant this evening.

We set down to taste the lamb based sensations that were available within.

The first course- Humous, garlic dip, chopped onion/tomato, etc and flat bread.
The second course- what you see below.
The third course- baked beans with lamb, rice, lentils, roll-mops (don't ask me why?)

I now waddle where I used to stride/run.

I believe I am now part lamb, part man. Lambman if you will.

I enjoyed it immensely and expect I may again, shortly.

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