Saturday 30 June 2012

Posh Cheese on Toast aka Pizza Bread

Ok folks. Here's a David speciality;

Posh Cheese on Toast

  • Bread (preferably a baton or even a round bun)
  • Tomatoes (regular, dried or sun blushed- the choice is yours)
  • Peppers (green, red or yellow- your choice)
  • Chili pepper (again- any old colour will do- if ya like spice)
  • Onions (if ya girlfriend likes 'em)
  • Sweetcorn (optional)
  • Courgette (optional)
  • Tomato sauce (either chopped and reduced over a heat or pre-made to your taste) or Pesto (green, red, whatever)
  • Cheese (chefs choice- I like mozzarella and a pale sliced cheese)
Slice bread in half. 
Spread tomato sauce or pesto or both over the surface liberally.
Chop and fry onions, courgette, peppers (both kinds).
Lay slices of cheese on top of sauce base (thick or liberally-cheese fans).
Lay veg over cheese.
Place on tray and grill.
Once the bread is near toasting, add mozzarella and replace on heat until melted and covering your heart attack inducing meal.

Then, enjoy.

Optional extras include basil leaves and mint leaves.
Can serve with salad if required.

Note: even meat lovers will enjoy this.


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