Wednesday 13 June 2012

Brasilian News

A few days ago, we awoke to turn on the local TV channel- SBT to see a live feed of a car languishing in the Porto Alegre river. Seems the car must have dove off the road at high speed and now resided, 'waist' deep in the water. We watched as two men in rescue uniforms and carrying Baywatch bouys waded through the grime and grey to the white 4x4 that sat, quite steadily, awaiting salvation.
The men peered through the windows and slowly meandered around to the driver side.
I stated that there couldn't possibly be anyone inside for two reasons,
1- the car was only half submerged- no one could drown in that.
2- the rescuers would be more frantic in their efforts had there been a driver inside.

I was wrong.

A moment later, the men pulled from the car-'Live' on TV, a man, dressed in typical 'car robber' clothing, who was not moving. Moreover, he was very stiff. I posit that he had driven too fast, having stolen said vehicle, dove off the side of the road, hit his head, been rendered unconscious and as a result, died of hypothermia.

This all at 7.30am, live on telly. Yeesh!

The next night, on the same TV channel, we heard about a robber who had invaded a 90 year old woman's home. She had metal bars on her door, that in itself would have deterred me, but Brasilian robbers seem a little more willing to go the extra mile.

This robber should have taken the hint. Pensioners in this country are tough.
The following night we were treated to not only a retelling of the home invasion by our elderly protagonist, but a CGI re-enactment as well.

Seems Mr Robber had forced his way into the apartment and attempted to steal our old dears things and stuff. Our old dear, being quite sprightly for a lady in her 9th decade, duly reached for, took aim and fired her revolver pistol at Mr Robber.

The result?
Mr Robber ain't robbing no more.

Our 'hero'/survivor recounted her story while the CGI video played and I must say, it did wonders for her appearance, taking years off her. She looked awfully like a twenty-something girl, slim and fleet of foot.

The only detrimental after effect of the attack?
The old dear had arthritis and as such her trigger finger was bandaged. Well, she did plug away three or four times. She didn't do things by halves.

Moral of the story; Don't rob in South America!

In other news, I saw Ronaldo again yesterday.
He's gotten shorter, but his teeth are just as recognizable.

We also saw, or rather, he stared at us- Morgan Freeman.
He was sitting at the cafe on the corner and stared directly at Clarissa.
He wore a grey beard and white Panama hat. Very dapper we both thought.
If only we'd gotten a photo.    

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