Friday 1 June 2012

Excuse me, I'm English

My observations thus far have revolved around the more positive aspects of Porto Alegre and it's people. I have mentioned the poverty and homelessness in places, but on the whole, nice stuff.
Not so much today.

Mainly this rant regards manners or rather (and this is shored up by Clarissa and her family) the lack there of.

Walk down the street and if you are not on your guard, you'll likely end up on your arse.
You must pay attention to where you are and where you are going at all times!
Not that any other bugger will mind you, it's all on you to dodge, duck, weave and slip out of everyone else's way.

I've been here approaching two months now and have heard a sum total of two Desculpe's (Sorry's) from other pedestrians. Being a life long pedestrian, I have always had an affinity for my kind. Here, however, they seem a different breed (pun intended).

It might be due to the pace of the city, which at times is frantic, but a common courtesy is not far beyond the reach of your common man or woman.

There also seems to be a haste in supermarkets also. This morning the lady behind me in the queue, though possessing two eyes (both her own), seemed incapable of judging the distance between the front of her shopping cart/trolley and the back of my ankles. She could see I had moved as close to the elderly lady in front as I could (shy of intercourse) and yet felt the need to be either ignorant or rude.

In direct contrast, at the supermarket last night, a tall, young woman with a form of mutism allowed both Clarissa and I to go before her in the queue. We only had a few items, she-rather a lot and despite my English objections of 'Thank you very much, but oh no, you, please, you're very kind', she was adamant that we were to go first. I thanked her with the 'smile and nod' after the sale was completed and left last night, on our way to the cinema with a new found belief in the gentleness and graciousness of Brasilian folk in Porto Alegre. This morning I was once again rudely awakened.  

I'm probably making too much of it.
It's a new city, with it's own rules for conduct and behaviour and as a result, I am trying to integrate into that culture, but bugger me if I'm going to become rude (ha ha).

I was born and raised to be polite and thankful for any gifts, care and opportunities afforded me, whether earned/deserved or not, but I wasn't raised to be ignorant.

I shall continue to be courteous.
I shall continue to apologise if I do wrong.
I shall not become bitter (other than on blog rants).

Thank you very much, I feel much better now.

PS, Pricilla just farted on me...Stop moaning David and smell my present! Thanks darlin'.

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